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četvrtak, 15. svibnja 2008.

Plastic Surgery - Tummy Tuck - Should You Get It?

Sometimes our genes are cruel. No matter how hard some of us work out, no matter how many sit-ups we do, and no matter how we limit our dietary pattern, our bodies do retain unsightly bulges in certain places. One of the most common places where people tend to have stubborn fat deposits is in the stomach area. Extra weight here can be the result of one or more pregnancies, genetics, dramatic weight fluctuations, or just plain old age. If you have this problem and are serious about getting rid of the drooping pouch, it is time to consider a tummy tuck.

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a plastic surgery designed to reshape your belly by removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen. This generally produces a flatter and firmer tummy and a shapelier waistline. Because this area is such a common problem for people, tummy tucks are also one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the market today. Those who make the best candidates for this procedure are the ones who are already close within their targeted weight range but simply have persistent fat deposits in abdomen. This surgery is also helpful for those in need of some tightening of the abdominal wall muscles. It is not good for those wanting to lose a large amount of weight or for those with unrealistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. Neither is it recommended for women who plan to become pregnant in the future as the results of the surgery would largely be negated by stretching out the stomach tissues again.

During the plastic surgery, the cosmetic surgeon will sedate you with either general anesthesia or intravenous medications. He or she will then make a horizontal incision along the pubic pone stretching out toward the hips. The plastic surgeon pulls back the skin and loose, separated abdominal muscles are then sutured closer together. Next the excess fat is removed, sometimes by liposuction and the excess skin is cut off and the remaining skin is stretched over the new, tighter stomach and sown back in place at the pubic bone. The whole procedure generally takes between two and four hours.

Recovery from the tummy tuck procedure can last up to a month. During the first week, you may not be able to totally straighten out your core and stand upright. There will also be some swelling in the surgery area, but both conditions should ease after the first week or two. At that point the results should be visible, although you will have a permanent scar as you would with any major surgery. Over time, the scar should fade and be less prominent, but it will never totally go away. The firmer abs and tummy can also be a permanent change as long as you maintain a healthy diet and good exercise program.

There are some risks involved as associated with most types of surgery, but the complications are rare. These include the risk of blood clots, infection, excess bleeding, and possible nerve damage. Tummy tucks also come with a hefty price tag, anywhere from $3000 and up. Still, if you have tried everything and just can't seem to shed those extra rolls or bulges around the middle, this cosmetic surgery may be the best option for regaining a flatter, firmer stomach.

San Francisco plastic surgery for tummy tuck is the best option for men and women who want to regain a flatter, firmer stomach. Surgery performed by experienced and board certified surgeons can give you satisfying results. For more information, and before and after pictures, you can visit

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