From the perfect nose, to the perfect ears, and that cute face, absolutely devoid of any scars, lines and wrinkles; plastic surgery can endow anyone with almost any beautiful feature that is desired. Yes, it is true and in fact a huge phenomenon that people can actually get flawless beauty and perfection manually. What more, all this can be achieved with only a little time, some efforts and desire and of course, money. To add to this, if a skilled plastic surgeon with all the required certifications and a good practice along with an artistic touch performs the surgeries then you need not worry about a single thing because he can take care of every problem which might arise. Therefore if every feature on the face is perfect and the most suited to your profile, then is it possible to tweak one's smile also? Yes it is.
You also get the cutest smile by plastic surgery dimples in a single operation. The good news is that in such an operation, the time effort and money required are not as high as in other cases. Just walk in a surgeon's clinic with a plain Jane smile, without any attractiveness and walk out with the most gorgeous smile, pretty enough to floor any one! After all, a good and appreciated smile is actually worth a million and many people will give away anything to acquire it. So why not? There is nothing wrong in beautiful and if a smile adds loads of loveliness to one's face, so why not get one even if one has to get it artificially? More than a lack people in the world get some or the body part fixed that they are not satisfied and through a cosmetic surgery, get a more decent and suitable profile and personality. Some of the biggest names in Hollywood have got a plastic surgery done some or the other time and there is nothing wrong with getting one, whatever people might say. The fact of the matter is that no one likes ugliness and everyone wants to look pretty, by whatever means necessary. In the case of a smile, it is no big deal. Just some time, a little money and Presto! An eye-dropping smile!
The basic mechanism through which the plastic surgeons all over the world create artificial dimples on the face is quite simple. It is in fact an artificial process which copies or rather simulates the natural method in which people get dimples on the face. A dimple is actually a defect on the face due to improper growth of the cheek muscles. If the muscles are not fully developed, then a slight depression is observed which makes the smile seem cuter than normal faces without the dimples. Exactly, a punching biopsy device placed inside the inner cheek. This device rotates and in some time, the submucal fat is cut through the inside. The layers are then separated - the skin, cheek muscles and the submucal fat.
After the depression is created, a sort of cylindrical cavity is made inside the cheek. This cavity which makes the cheek 'defected' is closed by absorbable stitches. After the surgical knot is made, the skin has dimples which appear even without smiling. However, in week or two, the cheek and its muscles flatten out and then the plastic surgery dimples are seen only when the person smiles. This in fact happens because the muscle, which is hollowed pulls the cheek skin inward when the person smiles and hence this connection results in a cute dimple and an amazing smile.
Sheila Clinch specializes in writing beauty related articles which help you save money by avoiding costly mistakes. Find the best place to get cosmetic surgery - Beverly Hills cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery in Fort Worth or for many other top locations go to cosmetic surgery facelift.

četvrtak, 12. lipnja 2008.
Get the Cutest Smile With Plastic Surgery Dimples
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Oznake: cosmetic surgery, facelift
Patron of Surgery Gets Beautiful - Nicole Kidman Plastic Surgery
Every one will agree with me when I say that Nicole Kidman is indeed an awesome beauty. She has many striking features and an overall stunning sex appeal. But will people agree when I also point out the fact that she has under gone several surgical and non-surgical treatments which have always added to her beauty. Nicole Kidman and her Plastic surgery have always been for the betterment and she will perhaps never be able to hide the fact of her artificial beauty. Not that her beauty and attractiveness is something which she should hide but the fact that it is all artificial is definitely not an encouraging one.
Moreover, her rocker husband Keith urban is also a big fan of cosmetic surgery and has undertaken several procedures to look more and more handsome with each passing day. Luckily, he looks much more strong has healthy than he was in his younger years with his plastic surgeries and will continue to do so because apparently he can't stand being old. Putting the plastic surgery issue aside, Nicole had amazing features even before her plastic surgeries and all those facial treatments have only made her look prettier. Unfortunately, looking beautiful and attractive is only in the case of her personal self, because her life and husband in general are quite the opposite. Ever since their marriage, Keith urban has been trying to fight substance abuse without much success. He is also known for driving rashly as he has caused many on road accidents.
Apart from her troubled husband, Nicole Kidman has also been trying to give birth to children with Keith but has still not become a mother. As time passes by, it will become more and more difficult for her to give children. No matter how young one looks, but deep down inside, no one can hide anything from oneself and Nicole better brace up to meet the harsh facts of life. Besides, Nicole Kidman has miscarried before when she was married to the famous Hollywood actor, tom cruise. Even then she could not have the children which she so longed for and as things stand, it does not seem very likely either. Maybe she was not destined to be a mother.
Coming back to Nicole Kidman's plastic surgery, it is quite clear that Nicole has had several treatments because her skin seem so clear and free of lines which is not usual for a woman who has crossed forty. Nevertheless, Nicole has kept herself fit and healthy also by following an exercise regime and keeping full care of what she eats, her diet plans etc. Nicole has taken many botox injections to keep her wrinkle away and due to this excessive use, a "Botox Brow" seems to have appeared on her face. This brow is in fact an arch shaped evil looking brow on the forehead which appears as a side effect of Botox usage.
According to several celebrity surgeons who like to share their news and views on the web, the botox bow of Nicole Kidman's Plastic surgery would diminish over a period of time but for the time being, everyone seems to be 'scared' of her Nicole's fitness trainer shares that it is because Nicole lives a healthy life by not going in the sun, or stressing herself very much, she has been able to keep a youthful look on her face all these years.
Sheila Clinch specializes in writing beauty related articles which help you save money by avoiding costly mistakes. Find the best place to get cosmetic surgery - Beverly Hills cosmetic surgery, Manhattan plastic surgery or for many other top locations go to cosmetic surgery facelift
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ponedjeljak, 2. lipnja 2008.
Breast Enhancement
Breast enhancement, or augmentation mamoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery performed to enhance the size and shape of breasts. The chief objective in doing so is to increase the person's sex appeal.
Breast enhancement has been in the center of controversy for three decades. It is supposed to be a risky procedure, causing certain disorders in the anatomy of the person, and the debate is whether it is prudent to gamble with health for the sake of obtaining that elusive hourglass figure. That notwithstanding, it is the second-most common prosthetic procedure, and in the year 2003 itself there had been 280,401 breast implants in the US alone.
Though the debate over breast implants is a fairly contemporary phenomenon, the surgery itself is not that modern. Historical evidences show that Japanese women used to inject silicones directly into their breasts during the World War II.
Before the discovery of silicone as an implant material, other materials such as paraffin were used for breast implants. Thomas Cronin and Frank Gerow, two plastic surgeons from Houston, were the first to develop silicone as a transplant material with the Dow Corning Corporation in 1961 and the first transplant was done on a woman in 1962.
One of the chief objections in this cosmetic prosthesis is the use of silicone gel, which has been restricted as an implant material by the Food and Drug Administration in the US. Breast implants have been suspected of causing autoimmune disease, however there is no documentation to validate this fact. Known hazards of breast augmentation are asymmetry, visibility, palpability, rupture, deflation, infection, scarring, and hardening of the capsule of the implant.
The strongest objection against breast implants comes from feminist groups who view it as a subjugation of women to men to pander to their sexual desires. It is not unknown of starlets and media women who undergo such surgeries to boost their careers; and in the process, giving vent to the allocution that it is a man's world.
Breast Enhancement provides detailed information about breast enhancement, breast enhancement creams, breast enhancement pills, and more. Breast Enhancement is affiliated with Breast Enlargement Cream.
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Breast Augmentation - Non Surgical Options
In this 3rd and last article on breast augmentation we're going to discuss non surgical options for women who are reluctant to go under the knife.
The safest of these is herbal supplements. They are for the most part natural and actually healthy for you. Unfortunately the results derived from these are subtle and too often, none at all. How you respond to herbal supplements depends entirely on your body chemistry. For women seeking a large increase in the size of their breasts, herbal supplements are not going to do the job.
After supplements we have what are called breast shaping systems. These are devices that a woman uses on a regular basis, mostly to exercise the muscles of the breasts. The long term goal is that eventually with proper increase in muscle strength and thickness the size of the breasts will increase. While many of these devices have been FDA tested and approved there has been no documented proof that they produce any real increase in breast size.
Next we have indictable fillers which are actually cutting edge technology. These are safe soft tissue fillers that are made up of stabilized hyaluronic acid or polyacrylamide gel. These are much safer than the silicone injections of years gone by. However, because this is fairly new, it is hard to say for certain what long range side effects may be lurking in the future of women who have had these fillers injected into them.
Next we have breast firming creams. These creams usually contain a plant extract called Pueraria Mirifica that only grows in Thailand and has a high concentrate of phytoestrogens. These are not hormones but supposedly they provide the same benefits as oestrogen. Oestrogen is what increases breast size during ovulation along with the birth control pill and doctor prescribed hormone supplements. However, there is little documented evidence to show that these creams really do much of anything at all, considering that direct injections of Retin-A do not produce much of an increase in breast size, which they should. So firming creams are probably more hype than anything else.
Then there are the women who don't want to take any kind of drugs, have any kind of surgery or for that matter do anything to their bodies at all and still want to have larger breasts. Well, for these women there are the breast forms, or what are commonly referred to as "falsies." For the most part, these are comfortable and can be worn with confidence that they're not going to come loose and fall off at the wrong moment.
We live in a society where we want to have the benefits of whatever it is we want but don't want to have to pay the price for it, whether it be monetary or otherwise. Women want large breasts but don't want surgery. Or they do want surgery but don't want any side effects. The woman who don't want surgery want an alternative option that will give them the same dramatic results as surgery. Unfortunately with breast augmentation you get what you pay for and then some. The most expensive procedures are also the most risky. The cheapest procedures, while being much safer, don't give the same results.
One of these days we're all going to just learn to be happy with what God gave us.
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Learn the Facts About Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Liposuction, and Face Lifts
Twenty years ago only the rich and famous, mostly in Hollywood, had cosmetic surgery to keep them looking younger. Today, the avenue of plastic surgery is open to just about anyone who has credit card. The cosmetic surgery industry is flourishing as the mob of Baby Boomers starts to creep into their 50, 60, and 70’s. Leading the way are face lifts, eyelid lifts, liposuction, breast implants and breast augmentation, botox injections, the famous tummy tuck, and the list keeps getting longer and longer. The questions we all ask ourselves is the one about safety. Will I come out looking better? We all remember the law suits regarding breast augmentation. With any surgery there are risks, the question is, are you willing to take them.
There is so much pressure on both men and women to be skinny, wrinkle free, no grey hair, fit and list goes on. In order to achieve these loft goals, they are turning to procedures such as liposuction, which is basically the removal of fat from deposits under the skin using a stainless steel tube and a high powered vacuum. Another popular choice is the face lift where surgeons actually cut the skin, pull it up and stitch it back in place with the goal of reducing visible lines and wrinkles. Many women are also turning to breast augmentation and breast implants. Increasing or decreasing their size depending on the challenge they face.
Finding qualified surgeons is no longer an issue. They are in every major city around the world catering the needs and desires of men and women. They are constantly doing research and experiments on new procedures and drugs that will be the next generation to the likes of botox. Younger and younger people are also interested in plastic surgery. Reality tv shows such as the Swan are taking cosmetic surgery to new heights. We highly recommend that if you are considering getting liposuction, a tummy tuck, face lift, breast implants or breast augmentation, you get a number of expert opinions. Remember, not all surgeries go as planned and the results are ever lasting. So do your research first and talk to existing patients before you proceed.
Amy-Jo Strutt is a successful beauty writer and regular contributor to, providing information on skin care and cosmetic surgery.
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Breast Augmentation - Cosmetic Surgery
Breast Augmentation – Cosmetic Surgery
How it’s performed:
Breast surgery depends mostly on the choice of implant, position and methods of how the implant will be inserted. The common areas of implant insertion are through the areola, under the crease of the breast or under the armpit. The doctor then takes great caution to minimize the amount of visible scarring caused by the insertion point in an attempt to create the most aesthetically pleasing figure.
The surgeon will then attempt to create an area of breast tissue to insert the implant. This can be done directly behind the tissue or below the chest muscle. Both methods have advantages so be sure to discuss these with your surgeon before your operation.
In general, these surgeries take around one to two hours. After the operation is complete, medical stitches seal any incisions together and are further reinforced with antiseptic tape. Bandages help the breast conform to their new shape and helps increase the healing time.
The day after surgery generally leaves most women feeling tired, but usually are rested and feeling better by day three. Most of this pain can be managed by prescription medication given to you by the doctor after surgery. Persistent pain might be an early sign of complications.
After a few days the gauze bandages come off which will require the patient to wear a special support bra. The doctor will recommend the length of time to wear it for, as it helps conform the breasts to their new shape. A common side effect of the surgery is a burning sensation around the nipples for a few weeks, but should subside shortly after. Stitches are removed around 10 days after the operation but the swelling usually takes around 5 weeks to disappear.
Most women can return to work within a few days although physical activity and exercise should not be performed for three to four weeks. Scars will begin to fade after six weeks but will never disappear completely.
To learn more about breast augmentation please visit our cosmetic surgery resource site at This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box is included and all links stay intact as hyperlinks.
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Silicone Breast Implants Revived by FDA
On July 28 2005, the FDA issued a letter of approval to Mentor Corp ending the the thirteen year old ban on silicone-gel breast implants. This move came about as Mentor Corp. persuaded the FDA that its newer silicone implants are less dangerous and more durable than older versions. The company will employ these implants only under the following strict safety conditions approved by the FDA.
- Prospective patients must sign a consent form acknowledging that they realise the risks of a silicone breast implant including the fact that they could break and need replacement or removal.
- Mentor is only allowed to sell silicone breast implants to board-certified plastic surgeons who complete a successful practical training program to learn how to insert these implants in a way that minimizes the odds of breakage.
- Mentor must produce and maintain a registry to track the implant patients long term results.
- Patients must be educated about the fact that if an implant breaks, the effect of the breakage typically doesn't cause immediate symptoms. Further it is advised to have an MRI after 5 years and 2 years thereafter to check for breakage.
- Mentor must conduct a ten year study to determine the percentage of breast implants that will break in that time.
- The study must be reviewed by an independent committee.
- The results of Mentor's breast implant program will be reviewed by the FDA in 5 years to verify that the implants are performing as expected.
According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 334,052 breast augmentations were performed in the United States in 2004 - the vast majority employing salt water filled implants that are sold without restriction. Consumer surveys predict that if the silicone breast implants return to the market, 200,000 women will have them installed in the 1st year.
Silicone-gel breast implants began selling in 1962 and were banned in 1992 amid health fears. Research since then has shown no statistical correlation between silicone breast implants and cancer or auto-immune disease such as lupus. Some women will swear that their health deteriorated from the moment they had their implants placed, but this is anecdotal evidence. When researchers compare a large group of women with implants to an equally large group without them, no difference between the two groups is found in the number of women with cancer or autoimmune disease.
Formation of excess scar tissue due to a foreign-body reaction is common.
If it is localized, it can cause traction and rippling effects in the appearance of the implant. If the scar tissue completely encircles the implant the condition is called capsular contraction.
These scars can bind the implant into an unnatural round shape, so that it appears the woman has a baseball stuck under the skin on her chest. This condition is more common with smooth-walled silicone implants, though it occurs to a lesser extent with saline implants as well. Implants placed behind the chest muscle have a much lower incidence of this problem.
Surgeons can sometimes break the scar tissue manually (which is not recommeded, as it can break the implant and void the manufacturer's warranty) , but often follow-up surgery is needed.
The asthma drug Accolate has been used with some success to prevent and even reverse capsular contraction, though months of treatment may be required.
Other possible complications include seroma (a collection of serous fluid), hematoma (blood), synmastia (breasts that appear to be fused in the center), bottoming out (implant slides too far down the chest),
double-fold ( the implant's outline does not corresspond to the natural breast crease), deflation (the implant breaks), tissue necrosis (localized death of tissue) and infection.
Frank Vanderlugt
Please visit our site at for more information and medical referrals.
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Breast Implants Cost and Quality
If you’ve finally made the decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery, you now are faced with the practical and financial decisions of cosmetic surgery. Safety is of course a primary concern, but the cost of plastic surgery is a great factor as well. Many people have great difficulty balancing these two, trying to find a good doctor who will work within their price range. Medical expenses for breast augmentation surgery include not only the surgical procedure but also the implants, anesthesia, medication and the cost of using the operating room, and can run from $4,000 to $10,000.
Other variances in price will relate to the procedure that a particular surgeon uses (some place the implant under the muscle, some make the incision through the armpit or under the breast or on the nipple), the location of the doctor performing the surgery, and how much augmentation is being done.
While cost can be a deciding factor in whether or not to undergo breast augmentation or breast lift surgery, the choice of doctor should be based upon comfort and safety rather than expense. Furthermore, many make the mistake of believing that plastic surgeons in big cities are better or safer doctors than those in smaller cities. If you have decided that the benefit of breast augmentation surgery outweighs the cost of the procedure, you should find a good cosmetic surgeon in your area through a reliable source.
Find a qualified Cosmetic Surgeon in Your Area at
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Breast Growth - Stimulating Further Breast Growth in Women and Men
Breast growth occurs in teenage women as a normal part of puberty. This is caused by hormonal changes in the body, mainly associated with the adrenal gland, and the female sex hormone estrogen. So what happens when the breasts do not fully develop?
There are options out there for young women to pursue who have not had their full breast growth potential realized. An alarming rate of young teenage women are actually going under the knife to achieve larger, fuller breasts as a means of defeating self esteem issues associated with the stigma of underdeveloped breasts in our society.
The new wave of natural breast enhancement products, pills, and systems now offers young women and older women alike the chance to complete their natural breast growth cycle, and maximize new breast growth by stimulating and reactivating these glands into action, and promoting natural, healthy teenage breast growth or adult female breast growth.
Female teenage breast development sometimes does not fully
cycle, or is "stunted" by certain circumstances that may be hormonal or diet-related, and the breast tissue never reaches it's full growth potential into adulthood.
The reasons for this are widespread and laced with speculation. We do know that now young women who have been self conscious about their breast size can take matters into their own hands, and actually grow healthy breast tissue safely by either taking safe supplements or using other breast enlargement methods such as a suction device, hynosis, and even certain exercises that promise to sculpt and curve a more generous bustline.
The best part is, since the breast growth is all natural
tissue, you won’t have to worry about breast implant hardening, and the many other medical complications and expenses that can come along with cosmetic surgery (not to mention undesirable results!)
So, if you’re one of the many young women who want larger, fuller, more sexy breasts, but you don’t want to go under the knife there are alternatives available to you that don't involve a plastic surgeon, or any foreign objects in your body!
Visit Breast Enhancement Product Comparisons for more information on natural breast enhancement. Danna Schneider is the founder of
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