Every one will agree with me when I say that Nicole Kidman is indeed an awesome beauty. She has many striking features and an overall stunning sex appeal. But will people agree when I also point out the fact that she has under gone several surgical and non-surgical treatments which have always added to her beauty. Nicole Kidman and her Plastic surgery have always been for the betterment and she will perhaps never be able to hide the fact of her artificial beauty. Not that her beauty and attractiveness is something which she should hide but the fact that it is all artificial is definitely not an encouraging one.
Moreover, her rocker husband Keith urban is also a big fan of cosmetic surgery and has undertaken several procedures to look more and more handsome with each passing day. Luckily, he looks much more strong has healthy than he was in his younger years with his plastic surgeries and will continue to do so because apparently he can't stand being old. Putting the plastic surgery issue aside, Nicole had amazing features even before her plastic surgeries and all those facial treatments have only made her look prettier. Unfortunately, looking beautiful and attractive is only in the case of her personal self, because her life and husband in general are quite the opposite. Ever since their marriage, Keith urban has been trying to fight substance abuse without much success. He is also known for driving rashly as he has caused many on road accidents.
Apart from her troubled husband, Nicole Kidman has also been trying to give birth to children with Keith but has still not become a mother. As time passes by, it will become more and more difficult for her to give children. No matter how young one looks, but deep down inside, no one can hide anything from oneself and Nicole better brace up to meet the harsh facts of life. Besides, Nicole Kidman has miscarried before when she was married to the famous Hollywood actor, tom cruise. Even then she could not have the children which she so longed for and as things stand, it does not seem very likely either. Maybe she was not destined to be a mother.
Coming back to Nicole Kidman's plastic surgery, it is quite clear that Nicole has had several treatments because her skin seem so clear and free of lines which is not usual for a woman who has crossed forty. Nevertheless, Nicole has kept herself fit and healthy also by following an exercise regime and keeping full care of what she eats, her diet plans etc. Nicole has taken many botox injections to keep her wrinkle away and due to this excessive use, a "Botox Brow" seems to have appeared on her face. This brow is in fact an arch shaped evil looking brow on the forehead which appears as a side effect of Botox usage.
According to several celebrity surgeons who like to share their news and views on the web, the botox bow of Nicole Kidman's Plastic surgery would diminish over a period of time but for the time being, everyone seems to be 'scared' of her Nicole's fitness trainer shares that it is because Nicole lives a healthy life by not going in the sun, or stressing herself very much, she has been able to keep a youthful look on her face all these years.
Sheila Clinch specializes in writing beauty related articles which help you save money by avoiding costly mistakes. Find the best place to get cosmetic surgery - Beverly Hills cosmetic surgery, Manhattan plastic surgery or for many other top locations go to cosmetic surgery facelift

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1 komentari:
Yes, Nicole have to take several cosmetic procedure to keep her looking young. After all, she has crossed forty and her face is still wrinkle free.
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