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četvrtak, 17. srpnja 2008.

Cosmetic Surgery Before and After Photos - Look at Them Critically

One key step to finding a good plastic surgeon is looking at before and after pictures. These photos show you the surgeon's former patients and the results of their plastic surgery.

These photos are important for two reasons. For one, they give you an idea of what you can expect from your plastic surgery. They show you exactly what can be done, and they help you decide what is best for you.

They also show you the plastic surgeon's work. These pictures offer a portfolio and help you decide whether the plastic surgeon is right for you. Here are some things to think about when you are looking at a surgeon's before and after pictures.

How Many Pictures Are There?

First off, how many before and after pictures does the plastic surgeon have? This is an important question. A good plastic surgeon should have binders full of photos, and even more to show you on request. They should have pictures of every operation you are thinking about having. Some doctors even have power point presentations ready for their potential patients!

The before and after photos of surgeries are like a resume for the plastic surgeons. They can use them to show you their stuff. If the plastic surgeon has a few sheets of paper with some badly taken photos to show you, you can move on to the next consultation immediately.

Is The Work Done Well?

When you look at the before and after pictures, you are trying to determine how good they have done the job. A big part of looking critically at plastic surgeon photos is simply judging for yourself if they have done a good job or not.

Look at the before picture and consider the patient's plastic surgery objective. Was it accomplished in the second picture? Do they look better? Would you have been satisfied with the plastic surgeon's work?

This is also a great time to talk with the plastic surgeon and ask questions. Ask plenty of questions about specific patients shown in the photographs. The doctor will be able to give you more details and clarify when necessary.

How Do The Pictures Compare?

Before you go to the plastic surgeon's office, you should look at some other before and after photographs to get an idea of what's good and what's not. The best way to do this is to look online. Type "plastic surgery before and after pictures" into any major search engine and you will turn up more results than you will ever have time to look at. Almost every plastic surgery website has before and after photos.

Looking at other before and after photographs will give you an idea of what to expect, and a better sense of what the results should look like.

How Long Is There Between Before And After?

This is something lots of potential patients don't think about, and it is very important. Always check how much time has elapsed between before and after.

Most plastic surgery operations can be completed in a day or a couple of days. If you see pictures where months have gone by between "before" and "after", this is a tip off. This means that the patient had to go back multiple times.

A good plastic surgeon should have lots of photographs to show you, and you should be able to get a good idea of their work by looking at them. Be sure to ask plenty of questions and shop around before you choose a plastic surgeon.

Plastic surgeon in Burlington county New Jersey is proficient enough to give you the desired look. You can view the before and after pictures of patients before choosing the surgeon. For procedural information and before and after pictures, visit

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