Advancements in methods of fat removal by liposuction continue to change and be 'improved'. One of the most noteworthy methods that is currently marketed and touted is laser liposuction, or more accurately, laser-assisted liposuction. As opposed to the traditional technique of cannula insertion, eating up the fat tissue, and then sucking it out, the mechanical beat-up is replaced by laser energy. A laser fiber is inside the liposuction cannula which delivers heat to the fat cells, thus breaking them down inito a more liquid state making it easier to be sucked up the cannula. In theory, the heat from the laser also causes the overlying skin to tighten.
As of this date, there are three such laser-assisted liposuction systems available in the U.S. They are under the marketed trade names of SMARTLIPO (Cynosure), COOLLIPO (CoolTouch), and PROLIPO (Sctiton). All of them tout more effective fat removal, less bruising and swelling, a faster recovery, and skin tightening.
The real question is....are they really better than traditional liposuction...and are there increased costs over traditional liposuction worth it? (someone has to pay for the equipment purchase...and that is you the patient!) To date, they remain tremendously appealing, particularly to the general public. Historically, any treatment associated with the word, laser, always causes mass patient allure. No clinical trials have yet been reported, that I have seen, that have ever directly compared any laser-assisted vs traditional liposuction procedure. Nor has any large clinical trial been done that even compares two differently-treated patient groups, no matter how impossible it really is to 'match' patients from different groups.
Much like ultrasonic-assisted liposuction when it was introduced 10 years ago, laser-assisted liposuction may be a popular trend that, in the end, will fare no better. It will undoubtedly have its place in liposuction options and armamentarium but I doubt if it is magic and offers a quantum leap in patient outcomes and recovery times. It may offer some improvement in fat removal efficiency, but I am truly dubious of overall better outcomes, a much better and faster recovery, and skin tightening (of which I remain the most skeptical)
I am all for any form of advancement in liposuction, which is a fairly traumatic procedure on the tissues. While effective, liposuction is still one of the most 'brutal' procedures that we as plastic surgeons do. Is laser-assted liposuction a real improvement...ask me again in 5 years!
Dr Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana at Clarian Health Systems. ( He writes a daily blog on plastic surgery, spa therapies, and medical skin care at

nedjelja, 27. travnja 2008.
Laser Liposuction
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Do Breast Implants Cause Connective Tissue Systemic Disease?
Many people are concerned about the possibility of connective tissue systematic disease being associated with the breast implants used in a breast augmentation surgery. As of current, it must be noted that there has been almost no evidence that associates systemic diseases with the breast implants. The general public still has this belief that there is. Because of this belief, judges and juries have awarded large settlements in favor of persons who claim to have received a connective tissue systemic disease from their breast implants.
At one point because of the stories that associate breast implant with various systemic diseases, the Food and Drug Administration banned the use of silicone filled implants which only stirred up the rumors and controversy that surrounds the silicone breast implant yet still today there has not been any studies done to actually show if there is any connection between the two.
So as to the question of whether or not the breast implants cause systemic diseases then the answer is inconclusive. If for some reason you are deeply worried that there may a relation and it is based on these inconclusive rumors then you best bet is to stay away from the silicone filled implants and instead opt for a saline filled implant.
Furthermore one of the best reasons for going with a saline filled breast implant is of course the choices of incisions. You can have the implants placed in your breasts through your navel in a procedure known as transumbilical breast augmentation which when completed, the incision scar is inside the belly button so it is therefore invisible.
It is important to discuss these fears with your surgeon as he or she will have more up to date information with regards to the relationship between the silicone breast implants and the systemic diseases. Since the ordeal which attributes the silicone breast implants to causing systemic disease was founded in a courtroom in which there was not one expert witnessed used, then chances are that there is no relationship. But since this relationship requires a study to prove whether or not it exists then you will have to wait for an official study to be accomplished.
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Breast implants
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Dr. Jim Greene would like to invite you to visit the resources above to learn more about breast implants and other surgery procedures as well. Visit now!
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Cosmetic Surgery - Breast Augmentation
Breast implantation is a surgical procedure for enlarging, or augmenting, the breast. Implants are breast shaped pouches made of a silicone and filled with silicone gel or saline (salt water).
You can choose from several breast all depends on what you want. For example, you may want to increase the size of genetically smaller breasts or you may want to restore your breasts to a pre-pregnancy appearance. The type of breast implant you choose is based on your anatomical factors. You and your surgeon should agree about the desired result. Some doctors use computer models to assess expected results so that you can see what the final result will look like.
Type of implants
Silicone gel implants
Silicone implants are filled with an elastic gel. The gel feel much like natural breast tissue.Silicone implants vary in shape, shell surface (textured/smooth), volume and shell thickness. Most silicone implants are not adjustable.
Saline Implants
Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water. They can be filled with varying amounts of saline which can affect the shape, firmness and feel of the breast. If the implant shell leaks the saline will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body.
The recovery period varies from person to person. Usually patients can resume their normal schedule in approximately one week's time. Typically, you can resume all routines (exercise etc) in about three weeks. The scars will be red for about a month after the surgery, but will fade within one to two years.
Implants can also make it more difficult to interpret mammograms, possibly delaying breast cancer detection. Breast implant rupture is another common complication of the surgery. When breast implants fail, they often deflate quickly and can be easily removed. The risk of leaking is very low for the first few years, but it may be a good idea to have the implants replaced because of leaking sometime in the future.
BRAVA system - The system costs approximately $2,500 and was reviewed by the FDA.
Injectable Fillers - These include Hyaluronic Acid and Polyacrylamide.
Natural Breast Enhancing Supplements
Natural Breast Enhancing Supplements - are NOT approved by the FDA so I don't recommend using them.
You can find more about New Mexico Cosmetic Surgery as well as information about cosmetic surgery New Mexico on my site.
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Enhance Your Breasts Naturally & Safely Within 30 Days
As I am sure you are aware, these days it is possible to enhance your breast naturally without having to go through surgery. This way you can avoid the risks of side effects. One such method that is increasing in popularity is the use of herbal supplements.
The benefit also of using herbal supplements is that it is natural; therefore the side effects are minimal if any at all. In general herbal remedies rely on plant estrogens. If you want to avoid surgery then this is a viable alternative that you can try.
With herbs you can also get creams which you apply at the same time that you take the supplements. Those who succeed in general with the use of supplements generally have a broader approach to breast enhancement.
They don't just take the supplements and leave it at that. In addition to taking the supplements they exercise and eat good food. Their goal, it seems, is to improve their overall health.
They not only want their breasts to look better they also want their body to look better. When taking any supplements it is imperative that you understand what the ingredients are.
Do not buy any supplements from any website unless the ingredients are listed and further more you must ask if those same ingredients have been listed with the FDA on their gras list. Gras stands for, generally regarded as safe.
This way you can prevent against buying anything that may not be safe. Always talk to a real human being before you buy, this way you will know that there are real people who stand behind their product. In general results can be achieved in as little as thirty days.
Learn what ahcieves results and What ingredients work and why - this way you can turn heads naturally when you walk into the room
Learn how to Enlarge Your Breasts Naturally using the number 1 rated enhancement program on the internet
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Tummy Tuck Surgery - Going Flat
Tummy tuck surgery is a euphemism for an abdominoplasty. It's a procedure that creates a flatter abdomen by removing excess fat and skin. It can also restore weak abdomen muscles that have been damaged or stretched due to one of a number of reasons. These reasons include pregnancy, severe weight changes, surgery in which abdominal muscles were cut and aging. Though aging is listed, it's important to understand that tummy tuck surgery is never a replacement for exercise that keeps muscles firm and flexible.
A protruding abdomen can be an embarrassment for many people. Even people who exercise regularly can develop sagging abdomen muscles due to the reasons mentioned above or simply because of heredity. The rest of the body can be in great shape and you still develop a sagging abdomen due to weak abdomen muscles. Tummy tuck surgery is one method that can successfully repair damaged muscles while restoring balance to the body.
There are two kinds of tummy tuck surgery - full and partial. In the full surgery, a horizontal incision of a varying length is made between the navel and pubic hairline. In some cases, another incision is made around the belly button in order to stretch the skin over the repaired abdomen muscles. In the partial surgery the abdomen corrections are located primarily below the navel.
Tummy tuck surgery is often done in conjunction with liposuction in order to create the right body contours. This surgery is very effective and long lasting. It produces almost instant solutions even though recovery times can vary by person. It's important to maintain a healthy weight after the surgery in order to avoid creating new problems in the abdomen area. This surgery is not a weight loss procedure, but it can produce a smaller waist after contouring.
If you have tried everything possible, including diet and exercise, to achieve a flat abdomen but still have sagging muscles, a tummy tuck surgery may be in store. The first step is to consult with a doctor. If you choose to have this surgery though, chances are you will quite be satisfied with the results.
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subota, 26. travnja 2008.
Women's Health - The G Shot
What is all the buzz about plastic surgeons offering help in the sexual gratification department? Laser vaginaplasty offers the ability to feel greater sexual pleasure and in addition to this, the female body is receiving attention in the surgical world. Many surgeons that focus on the health and wellbeing of women are offering other treatments that can increase sexual gratification for women.
With the introduction of the g shot, many women have been offered the opportunity to explore new facets of their sexual life that they may not have originally known existed. Furthermore, many women may not be privy to the concept of the g spot, named after the man who suspected that women have a pleasure zone within the vagina which was not formerly known of. This area, considered to have nerve endings which help to create sexual pleasure, can be amplified using the g shot, making it more prominent and susceptible to friction.
The g shot is a painless procedure after the area is numbed with local anesthesia. It is an out patient procedure which a doctor can perform in a short time. Subsequent injections usually take less time even than the first because body measurements and anatomy are recorded for quick use the second time around. Each injection usually lasts for about four months depending on your unique body type and body. Each woman is different. Each woman may notice a heightened sensitivity in the g spot area which allows the body to feel more sensations during sexual arousal, intercourse, or play. The injections would need to be repeated about every three months to maintain the effects.
For woman, these sort of medical treatment options performed in the privacy of a surgeons office can offer an unique way to take charge of your sexual health and heighten your pleasure. Injections are considered elective and are not covered by medical health insurance. The g shot is considered a natural bioengineered human collagen that does not adversely affect the body in any way. It should not interfere with movement, menstrual cycles, or the overall balance of the body. Even if it is an experimental commitment to explore various parts of your sexual health, the g shot offers each woman the opportunity to have more fun and to experiment with new ways to enjoy the intimate moments in life.
For each woman, results will vary. Before any sort of cosmetic procedure, it is important to have realistic expectations and to discuss potential benefits and risks with a trusted doctor. Taking care of your medical health involves being fully aware of any treatment options that you choose to partake in to add to the quality of your life. It is each patient's responsibility to understand their treatment and to ask questions. Coming to an accurate understanding is a great way to take charge of your health and in this case, your sexual life. To keep the body healthy, it is important to practice safe sexual practices and to let such medical breakthroughs in sexual exploration be a fun and safe introduction to your life
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Weight Loss Surgery - Liposuction
After all the diets, the exercising, the reversals, and the feelings of failure, many people decide that their unhealthy weight may be a way of life, unavoidable and the way they must live life. With modern medical treatments out there, this need not be the case. When changes in diet and fitness do not provide the desired results, there are options.
Liposuction is one popular weight loss option for those who have had a difficult and challenging experience with weight loss. A healthy body weight and a healthy body image are important to both physical and emotional health. To remain happy and satisfied with your physical body, you may have tried diets and exercise without success for whatever reason and you are ready to take liposuction into consideration. You are ready to sit with a surgeon and discuss your options.
Prior to meeting with a surgeon, it is important to get an idea of what your own motives and goals are. For some, liposuction is a treatment of choice for minor pockets of fat, and those who have not tried with devotion to lose weight the natural way. Liposuction is not a minor procedure and the body must be treated with the utmost respect. If you are considering weight loss surgery, ask yourself a few questions. Why do I want weight loss surgery? What are my motives, my goals? How do I feel about the risks involved? Have I really tried to lose weight by committing to a diet and exercise which help the body to shed the pounds I am seeking to lose through liposuction? Am I prepared for the financial commitment that is related to weight loss surgery? All of these questions can help to put your weight loss situation into some perspective. It is vital to be fully aware of your choices behind your decisions.
By asking yourself such questions, you can get a better idea of whether weight loss treatments are right for you. Furthermore, being aware of both the benefits and the risks associated with such treatments is mandatory for anyone wishing to undergo such procedures. Once you have decided what route you decide to take, it is best to explore the facts and modern options related to that. For every person, weight loss varies and every body type is different. Some have a harder time shedding pounds than others. One's metabolism can affect this. One's lifestyle habits can also affect this.
It is important to note that losing weight via surgical procedures does not guarantee a healthy weight for life. The body is perfectly capable of regaining weight should you not adhere to a new and healthier lifestyle. The body does not care if you have had weight loss treatments performed. With this in mind, it is always a good idea to be aware of the limitations associated with modern medicine. To stay healthy, you must commit to a healthy lifestyle and no amount of modern medicine can change that. The best option is to decide whether or not you have the drive to lose weight naturally, or the physical ability, and from there to meet with a trusted plastic surgeon who can answer your questions.
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Weight Loss Surgery - Stomach Stapling
Progress in the surgical weight loss medical field has led to all sorts of various treatment options which have each had their own set of successes and failures. As medical technology expands and time reveals the success rates associated with certain treatments, medical professionals can decide which treatments are best and when. Certain treatments may be altered or abandoned to keep the health of patients in tact.
One popular weight loss treatment was stomach stapling to restrict its size, in effect limiting the amount of food that would enter the stomach and be digested. Though success was seen overall with this procedure, certain complications arose with stapling the stomach in certain ways, particularly horizontal stapling. This method alone did not achieve the kind of weight loss that patients were looking for. Modern technology is this area has expanded this treatment option to include a restrictive procedure like stapling yet in addition to a band that is wrapped around the pouch created by the stapled area. This procedure was generally abandoned in the US after success rates were not high enough to warrant its use. Patients were regaining weight after losing it which resulted in the decision to look to other options to halt weight gain.
All in all, stomach stapling lost its appeal due to the ease with which the body could over time develop greater abilities to hold and digest more foods. It is important to keep in mind that all weight loss procedures have risks and less than flawless results. More often than not, what causes much of the less than stellar long term results is the overall indecision on behalf of patients to adopt a more healthful lifestyle. Weight loss treatments can help the body to lose weight sure, but not to keep it off necessarily. Especially over the long term, it only makes sense to adopt a healthier way to treat the body, a healthier way to eat, move, and live. Since most weight loss surgeries are not necessarily cheap and not covered by major health insurance providers, it is important to value your investment. By keeping track of your health, diet, and exercise routine, you can really keep your weight within a healthy limit. Furthermore, doing so is empowering and helps with self control and balance in all things.
Like stomach stapling, all surgeries that assist with weight loss and gain, either by restricting intake or absorption, have benefits and risks. After spending the time and money to have a surgeon help you get on a healthier path, it is important to protect that investment and do what you can to keep that surgery working for you and not against you. As modern medicine advances onward, there may be new surgeries that develop, similar to stomach stapling, that offer some consolation to those who find keeping a healthy weight to be a challenge. As time goes on, these sorts of advances will obviously make surgical care even more effective. But at the end of the day, and the surgery, each patient is responsible for their own health and once you leave that clinic post-operation, your health and weight are in your hands.
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Do I Need To Have My Nose Packed After Rhinoplasty?
One of the real concerns of many patients who are considering rhinoplasty surgery, I have learned, is that their nose will be packed after surgery.the removal of nasal packing is a very uncomfortable thought for most patients and one that they would like to avoid.
That thought is one of significant uncomfortability at best and outright pain at the worst. I have found that many potential rhinoplasty patients often ask....are you going to pack my nose? After hearing this concern numeruos times over the years, I have come to appreciate a patient's apprehensions over the issue of packing in the nose after rhinoplasty surgery.
The good news is that the need for packing a rhinoplasty surgery patient is very infrequent. In cosmetic rhinoplasty, where only the visible part of the nose is being changed, there is very little reason to ever have to pack the nose after surgery as this causes very little internal bleeding. If your nose surgery is to improve your breathing, known as functional nasal airway surgery, nasal packing may have to be used if there is persistent bleeding still at the end of the operation. My experience, however, is that this is not very frequent.
Nasal packing achieves two purposes; 1) to manage bleeding during and after surgery, and 2) to push the lining back into its proper place against the bone or cartilage walls of the internal nose. When straightening the septum, which is often necessary to improve nasal breathing, the lining of the nose must first be lifted up. The lining of the septum must be put back after it is straightened. Packing of the nose has been traditionally used to push this lining back into its original place. The use of packing has been replaced by many surgeons with sewing it back into place through a sewing technique known as quilting. This has virtually replaced the need for packing, much to the applause of patients and plastic surgeons alike. Only in cases where there is too much bleeding at the end of surgery will packing be used to control it, much like the way it is used to stop difficult nose bleeds.
So to those patients considering most forms of rhinoplasty surgery, this is one issue that you need not overly concern yourself with! Modern rhinoplasty techniques have virtually eliminated the need for this uncomfortable consideration. Not only is the concern about pain associated with packing removal eliminated, but the fear of not being able to breathe through your nose at all ( a claustrophobic sensation) right after surgery is also alleviated.
Dr Barry Eppley runs a private plastic surgery practice through his hospital-based medspa locations at Clarian Health in Indianapolis. To learn more about the latest trends in plastic surgery, spa therapies, or skin care, go to his daily blog,
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Facelift - Rhytidoplasty - Affordable Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
A facelift or rhytidoplasty is cosmetic and aesthetic surgery for improving and attempting to eliminate the inevitable signs and manifestations of facial and neck aging. Wrinkles, sagging skin and pockets of fat are common features of the face beginning at approximately 40 years of age. As we go through life and accumulate additional years, the effects of gravity, sun exposure and daily stress all leave their marks. The facial skin becomes lax and loose and eventually drapes below the jaw line, the skin around the neck are no longer tight, and wrinkling appears between the nose and mouth and in front of the ears.
Realistically, facelift or rhytidoplasty will never stop the aging process, however it may still effectively take years off your looks and "turn back the clock" by taking out excess skin and fat and by tightening the underlying soft tissue supporting structures.
An informative and meaningful consultation with a certified cosmetic plastic surgeon is the initial step a patient will take if he or she is considering a facelift or rhytidoplasty. The patient is expected to discuss all expectations with regards to looking and feeling better after surgery. He should keep in mind though that the desired result is basically reasonable improvement or enhancement and never unreasonable and unachievable "perfection". Emotional stability in a potential patient is a prerequisite while reasonable expectations is a must. Having a "new" look from a facelift will never guarantee a new, healthy and successful life. It solely improves appearance and possibly helps boosts self confidence. This is realistically what rhytidoplasty may just do for you. How you handle the positive physical effects and gains of a facelift is actually up to you.
Rhytidoplasty takes approximately 3 to 5 hours and can take longer if combined with other cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. The procedure may be safely done in an outpatient setting or in a hospital basis under general anesthesia or sedation with local anesthesia. If general anesthesia is used, one will be sleeping soundly all throughout surgery. If sedation and local anesthesia is chosen, then this would allow one to be comfortable during surgery while the facial skin is completely numb.
In majority of cases, the incision is began inside the hairline at the temple for maximal concealment, continues downward in a natural line in front of the ear, curves below the earlobe and extends into the back of the scalp. Working through the incision, your cosmetic plastic surgeon separates the skin from underlying fat, fascia, and muscle. The skin is pulled up and backward and the excess skin is excised tailoring it to the face.
Closure of the incisions are meticulously done by your cosmetic plastic surgeon. Though scars are inevitable and are natural consequences of any incision or surgery, your cosmetic plastic surgeon will try his best to keep them inconspicuous and hardly noticeable as possible. Thin tube drains may be placed at the back of the ears as to permit drainage of any blood or fluid collecting under the skin. Initially dressings shall be bulky and bandages shall have to be maintained over the face and neck areas.
All operations have their risks and cosmetic plastic surgeries are no exceptions. Bleeding, infection, paresthesias, and healing problems are possible though not so common. Any pain or discomfort may be effectively controlled more often than not by the right oral medications. It is prudent however to inform your plastic surgeon or any staff member of any unusual and persistent problems. Swelling and bruising/ skin discolorations are common and expected and usually resolve in a week or two. A sense of numbness and tightness is usually present which eventually improves and subsides. Post facelift patients are instructed bed rest for at least a day and ordered to avoid any exertions as to cause increase in blood pressure in the facial area for at least a week. Hot compresses or facials are to be refrained for at least a month. Most patients do return to work after 3-4 weeks.
For the potential plastic surgery patient in general, it is strongly advised to consult with a certified plastic surgeon. Since in the Philippines any licensed medical doctor or even nondoctors may attempt to learn and perform cosmetic surgery, choosing the right person for the procedure is a most crucial decision which significantly affects outcome. Your certified cosmetic plastic surgeon will display adequate knowledge, skill and care prior, during and after surgery.
Dr. Edwin Paul Magallona is a Board certified Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon practicing in Metro Manila, Philippines. For more information on Philippine Cosmetic Plastic Surgery..visit or contact +639175006695/ (+632)5315692, 5315012
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