Breast implantation is a surgical procedure for enlarging, or augmenting, the breast. Implants are breast shaped pouches made of a silicone and filled with silicone gel or saline (salt water).
You can choose from several breast all depends on what you want. For example, you may want to increase the size of genetically smaller breasts or you may want to restore your breasts to a pre-pregnancy appearance. The type of breast implant you choose is based on your anatomical factors. You and your surgeon should agree about the desired result. Some doctors use computer models to assess expected results so that you can see what the final result will look like.
Type of implants
Silicone gel implants
Silicone implants are filled with an elastic gel. The gel feel much like natural breast tissue.Silicone implants vary in shape, shell surface (textured/smooth), volume and shell thickness. Most silicone implants are not adjustable.
Saline Implants
Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water. They can be filled with varying amounts of saline which can affect the shape, firmness and feel of the breast. If the implant shell leaks the saline will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body.
The recovery period varies from person to person. Usually patients can resume their normal schedule in approximately one week's time. Typically, you can resume all routines (exercise etc) in about three weeks. The scars will be red for about a month after the surgery, but will fade within one to two years.
Implants can also make it more difficult to interpret mammograms, possibly delaying breast cancer detection. Breast implant rupture is another common complication of the surgery. When breast implants fail, they often deflate quickly and can be easily removed. The risk of leaking is very low for the first few years, but it may be a good idea to have the implants replaced because of leaking sometime in the future.
BRAVA system - The system costs approximately $2,500 and was reviewed by the FDA.
Injectable Fillers - These include Hyaluronic Acid and Polyacrylamide.
Natural Breast Enhancing Supplements
Natural Breast Enhancing Supplements - are NOT approved by the FDA so I don't recommend using them.
You can find more about New Mexico Cosmetic Surgery as well as information about cosmetic surgery New Mexico on my site.

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