Many people are concerned about the possibility of connective tissue systematic disease being associated with the breast implants used in a breast augmentation surgery. As of current, it must be noted that there has been almost no evidence that associates systemic diseases with the breast implants. The general public still has this belief that there is. Because of this belief, judges and juries have awarded large settlements in favor of persons who claim to have received a connective tissue systemic disease from their breast implants.
At one point because of the stories that associate breast implant with various systemic diseases, the Food and Drug Administration banned the use of silicone filled implants which only stirred up the rumors and controversy that surrounds the silicone breast implant yet still today there has not been any studies done to actually show if there is any connection between the two.
So as to the question of whether or not the breast implants cause systemic diseases then the answer is inconclusive. If for some reason you are deeply worried that there may a relation and it is based on these inconclusive rumors then you best bet is to stay away from the silicone filled implants and instead opt for a saline filled implant.
Furthermore one of the best reasons for going with a saline filled breast implant is of course the choices of incisions. You can have the implants placed in your breasts through your navel in a procedure known as transumbilical breast augmentation which when completed, the incision scar is inside the belly button so it is therefore invisible.
It is important to discuss these fears with your surgeon as he or she will have more up to date information with regards to the relationship between the silicone breast implants and the systemic diseases. Since the ordeal which attributes the silicone breast implants to causing systemic disease was founded in a courtroom in which there was not one expert witnessed used, then chances are that there is no relationship. But since this relationship requires a study to prove whether or not it exists then you will have to wait for an official study to be accomplished.
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